Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun With Frigg

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Kayleigh and I were up early Saturday morning to get ourselves to the Frigg Cup which takes place this weekend. The schedule couldn't have worked out better for us. KJ's team, Frigg Farta (BTW, Farta means Speedy) plays all their games Saturday morning and the award ceremony is right after they play. After the Cupp we are heading to Bergen on the 4 pm train where we will stay through Monday morning and then we are off to do Norway in a Nutshell.
KJ and I were out the door at 8. Games begin at 8:30 and I get to volunteer with the other Frigg parents setting up the food that we will sell during the Cupp to raise money for the league. We are selling waffles, popcorn, hotdogs, cake, coffee and soda.
As it turned out Kent was the lucky parent. He had to work for a couple hours so he met us later and got to do most of the volunteering selling to lots of hungry soccer kids. I think he enjoyed the wildness of Norwegian food and trying to figure out what they wanted. He said that he never realized one could ask for a soda in Norwegian in so many ways.
The girls were split in two groups since another group of five girls joined our team. Each group alternated games. They didn't get a whole lot of playing time but KJ had a good time. Frigg Farta looked pretty good. I mean they played well and they have some sporty looking uniforms too.
All the girls earned a trophy after the Cupp which is always a big part of soccer. You gotta get the hardware....
All in all, a good time was had by all.

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