Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Conference with Guro

Yesterday we met with Kayleigh's teacher Guro for a conference. We heard children don't receive report cards in Norway. The teachers meet twice during the school year to discuss the child's progress. We decided this was KJ's first Norwegian report card. We wanted to meet with Guro too... The three of us have been thinking that it might be nice for KJ to move into the regular Norwegian third grade class.
The meeting went well. We listened to Guro explain how learning a foreign language happens. She can speak 7 languages so I guess she does have some knowledge in this area. She had a lot of kind things to say about KJ.. She said she has never seen a child her age write so well with no mistakes. We figured that meant she's good at spelling. We mentioned to Guro about the regular class. She thinks KJ can spend some time in the class but it is better for her to learn Norwegian in the Mottak class which we decided is probably true. In the regular class there are 5 kids that speak English and a teacher who is British. KJ would most likely speak a lot of English and not get the individual help she gets in the Mottak class. The regular class has close to 30 kids and KJ's class has 12. Plus she is happy where she is, so why another transition with school ending June 20.
The class is starting animal reports too and KJ loves animals! Today they are also getting a new girl who is from Zombia and she is an English speaker and apparently Kayleigh's age. This is very exciting news. I'm off to see how is went. Ha det bra!

1 comment:

Andy Smith said...

Sounds like school is going well - how is Kayleigh doing with Norwegian, is she speaking it to other kids? How about you?

Sounds like a good report card. Well done KJ.