Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Happy Belated Father's Day to all you dad's out there. I know my dad was taken care of very well by my sister and her family in Austin. He loves Texas and is getting a healthy fix of his favorite food group... red meat.
We video chatted with the Ausinites and Bismarcker to wish dad a Happy Father's Day. Sorry Andy if I forgot to send a happy day your way....
My husband had a lazy day. KJ made him a super cool poem including some great art work. She also gave him a baseball hat. (Norway style) I made him a card and bought him a couple of "real beers" which are hard to find here.
He decided to skip church, there's a surprise and have some quality alone time. He did take KJ to the church picnic which was indoors since it was raining. It was a swell time. They even had smores!
Tootie and I were busy cooking the crisp, guacamole and southwest stir fry. It was a fun and lazy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snores and Barcelonas- what a great combination!
