Monday, September 8, 2008

Off To Roma...

Today is the start of our 3 week Italian adventure. Before I begin I must admit how fortunate Kent, KJ and I are to have this opportunity.
Off we went off to the National Theatre stop to catch the Flytoget (fast train) to the Guardemoen Airport. The flight was uneventful however our bags didn't make it. We weren't the only ones. By the looks of it, I'd say about 20 passengers were bagless. Big bummer as I assessed our wardrobes. We were going to be hot in Rome. Kent spent forever in line waiting to speak with the Air Italia agent. He finally left without a clue as to the whereabouts of our luggage. Fortunately, our driver was still waiting to take us to Hotel Forte. This was a worthwhile splurge after the luggage ordeal.
The hotel is located super close to the Spanish Steps which was appealing to me. I've been there before and loved hanging out and people watching. Emanuel, the consierge was welcoming and gave us a choice between two double rooms. We picked the one with two levels. KJ was all about having her own space. He also told us not to worry about our missing bags. Easy for him to say I thought.
We headed out to explore, perhaps buy some cooler clothes and eat. I'm trying not to freak out about the bags but it is super hot and I'm not used to the heat. Kent found an Adidas "climacool" shirt. It becomes part of his uniform for the next three weeks. We find a small cafe with some of the best pizza that has ever crossed our lips and the Italian beer is so refreshing. I forget how grumpy and hot I am. Geez, after all I am in ROME! We look around a bit more after dinner. We buy toothpaste, toothbrushes, a comb and brush.
Much later we head out for gelato and enjoy it walking around the Spanish Steps. What a beautiful evening! We decide to treat ourselves to gelato everyday while we are in Italy. What a goal?!?

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